Małgorzata Pieczyńska
Born in 1960 in Warsaw. Graduate of the State Higher Theatrical School in Warsaw in 1984. Following her studies, she worked for "Teatr Powszechny" (Contemporary Theater) in Warsaw as well as the "Ateneum" Theater. Since the end of the eighties, she has been living in Sweden, which doesn't interfere with her performing in Polish films. We can see her in both the cinema as well as television (also in the Television Theater). Małgorzata Pieczyńska is laureate of the Zbigniew Cybulski Prize awarded for young acting talents by the weekly "Ekran" (The Screen) for 1985 as well as "Róża" - the award of the Poznań film critics for best actors, which it received in 1996. Filmography: Fachowiec (The Professional, 1983), Nadzór (Surveillance, 1983), Wierna rzeka (Faithful River, 1983), Baryton (Baritone, 1984), Ceremonia pogrzebowa (Funeral Ceremony, 1984), Trzy młyny (Three Mills, 1984), Jezioro Bodeńskie (Bodensee, 1985), Labirynt (Labyrinth, 1985), War and Love (1985), Komediantka (The Comedienne, 1986, 1987 - series), Krótki film o zabijaniu (Short Film About Killing, 1987), Piłkarski poker (Football Poker, 1988), Kanclerz (Chancellor, 1989 - series), Czy ktoś mnie kocha w tym domu? (Does Someone Love Me in This House?, 1992), Le violeur impuni (1992), Dwadzieścia lat później (Twenty Years Later, 1993), Polski crash (Polish Crash, 1993), Ekstradycja (Extradition, 1995 - series), Gracze (Players, 1995), Docteur Semmelweis (1996), Dzieci i ryby (Children & Fishes, 1996), Ekstradycja 2 (Extradition 2, 1996 - series), Panna Nikt (Miss Nobody, 1996), 13 posterunek (13th Precinct, 1998 - series, 1 Part), Ekstradycja 3 (Extradition 3, 1998 - series), Quo vadis (2001), Krulewska ruletka (Krul's Roulette, 2003).
