- Grand Prix - Poznań Golden Goats for the best film
to Somebody like Hodder directed by Henryk Ruben Genz (Denmark)
- Poznań Silver Goats for actors' film directing
to Gerardo Tort Oruna for Streeters (Mexico)
- Poznań Silver Goats for animated film directing
to Chris Stenner, Heidi Wittlinger, Arvid Uibel for Rocks (Germany)
- Poznań Silver Goats for the original screenplay
to Bo Hansen for the screenplay to Somebody like Hodder (Denmark)
- Poznań Silver Goats for the photography
to Jarkko T. Laine for the photography to Elina (Sweden)
- Poznań Silver Goats for the score
to Carl Davis for the music to An Angel for May (United Kingdom)
- Poznań Silver Goats for the scenography
to Cian Bornebusch for scenography to Elina (Sweden)
- Poznań Silver Goats for the artistic concept
to Tomasz Bagiński for the artistic concept in The Cathedral (Poland)
- Poznań Silver Goats for the best female role
to Oksana Akin'szina for the role in Sisters (Russia)
- Poznań Silver Goats for the best male role
to Joonas Saartamo for the role in One-way ticket to Mombasa (Finland).
The Jury has also awarded the prize of the International Centre of Films for Children and Young People CIFEJ. The Jury has chosen Elina directed by Klaus Härö (Sweden) as a recipient of the award. The film beautifully presented a girl's struggle to sustain her individual and cultural identity, while also standing up for their convictions. The film also showed character development emphasizing the strength needed to admit one's own mistakes.
Marcin - youth's jury prize for the film
One-way ticket to Mombasa directed by Hannu Tuomainen (Filnland)
Marcinek - children's jury prize for the film
Squealing Square directed by Fabrice Luang-Vija (France)
