Filip Bajon
Born in 1947 in Poznań. Graduated from the Faculty of Law at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (1970), and in 1974 also directing at the "PWSFTviT" in Łódź. From 1970 he has been publishing his literary creations in the press. In 1971, he published his first novel Białe niedźwiedzie nie lubią słonecznej pogody (Polar Bears Don't Like Sunny Weather), for which he received the Wilhelm Mach prize for the best début (1972). He also published a collection of stories Proszę za mną w górę (Please Follow Me Upstairs) (1972), novels Serial pod tytułem (The Series Titled) (1974), Podsłuch (The Wiretap) (1994). He wrote many film scripts. In 1976, he made his first short film, and a year later debuted in full-length films. He also directs for the theater - Z życia glist Enquista (Enquist's From the Life of Worms), Scena na Piętrze in Poznań; Płatonow Czechowa (Czechov's Platonov), Teatr Stary in Kraków; Szaleństwo Jerzego III Benneta (Bennet's The Madness of George III), Teatr Dramatyczny in Warsaw as well as the Teatr Telewizji, among others: Hrabia (The Count, 1998), Stara kobieta wysiaduje (The Old Lady Waits, 1999). He is laureate of many awards in the film and publications branch. In the year 2002, he was awarded the Krzyż Kawalerski Orderu Odrodzenia Polski (The Cavalier's Cross of the Order of the Rebirth of Poland). He is head of the Dom Film Studio. Director's filmography: Powrót (The Return, 1977), Rekord świata (World Record, 1977), Zielona ziemia (Green Earth, 1978), Aria dla atlety (Aria for an Athlete, 1979), Wizja lokalna 1901 (Site of the CrimeInvestigation, 1980), Limuzyna Daimler-Benz (The Daimler-Benz Limousine, 1981), Wahadełko (The Little Pendulum, 1981), Engagement (1984), Biała wizytówka (The White Calling Card, 1986), Magnat (The Magnate, 1986), Bal na dworcu w Koluszkach (The Ball at Koluszki Railway Station, 1989), Pension Sonnenschein (1990), Une petite vie tranquille (1991, as Philippe Bayon), Sauna (1992), Lepiej być piękną i bogatą (Better To Be Rich and Beautiful, 1993), Poznań '56 (1996), Przedwiośnie (Early Spring, 2001, series - 2002).
