Frances Osterfelt
Born in the USA into a family with Russo-Polish roots; since 1975 she has been living and working creatively in Denmark. Research stomatologist, doctor of odontology. Lectures in medical academies on all continents. Author of several dozen well-known handbooks in the world of stomatology. Self-taught as an artist. Pupetteer, decorator, art director and scriptwriter. Developed an original technique of creating three-dimensional objects from papier-mâché and fabrics. She experimented in joining blown glass with three-dimensional objects made with wire, which became the inspiration for the creation of a screenplay and film Fantastyczny sklep z kwiatami (Fantastic Flower Shop, 2001, director - Pawe³ Partyka, screenplay and art work - Frances Osterfelt) - shown at over twenty festivals throughout the world. The film was awarded by a children's jury at our Festival in 2001. The works of Frances Osterfelt may be seen at exhibitions in several dozen European countries, the USA, Australia as well as in Danish parks and public utility buildings.
