Ondrej Slivka
Was born 1959 in Bratislawa. Artist - painter. During 1975-1980, he attended secondary school - The School of Industrial Art in Bratislawa. One of his teachers was Gabriel Strba. After completing the school, he began to work at the Koliba Studio, first as an assistant operator in the documentary film department, then in the animation department as assistant animator. He has also worked on developing ideas for screenplays. In 1980 he studied at Comenius University in Trnava, at the Education Department. However, when in 1981 he was accepted at the Academy of Art and Industry in Prague, making a decision to study at the Department of Film and Television Graphics with Miloslaw Jager. In 1987, after finishing his studies, he did his military service. And in 1988 he returned to work at the Koliba Studio. He worked there for 3 years as a director. When in 1991 the Koliba Studio was liquidated, Ondrej Slivka continued his directing and artistic activity as a free-lancer. From 1993, he has been working in animated film at the Academy of Art in Bratislava. He works with The International House for Children Bibiana as the author of exhibits, posters and invitations. Filmography: Parachutists (1980), Umbrella (1983), If I were a bird… (1987), Juggler (1987), The Virgin Land (1989), Fairy Tales from Bratislava (1990-1999, 14 cartoons).
